Biodynamic Cranialsacral Therapy (BCST)
Our Nervous Systems need a break… our body, our mind, our hearts need time to settle, open, process, renew, deeply rest, be nourished...… Take a break! BCST allows the release and transform of stresses and the traumas, the old injuries, the chaos and awaken your shinning Spiritual Heart! For details please call or email.
Read BCST Testimonials here Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle, non-invasive holistic therapy that is safe and effective for a wide range of health conditions. It is unique in its emphasis on finding the Inherent Health in each person, and in supporting that inner well-being to grow and strengthen. BCST has discovered that as a person’s Inherent Health increases, symptoms of disease and trauma automatically diminish, often leading to complete resolution of the condition(s). A person’s Inherent Health can be palpated (touched) as a subtle and stable energetic rhythm within the human body. This rhythm slowly expands and contracts, like an ocean tide moving through the entire body. This tidal motion is thought by BCST practitioners to be the baseline for anatomical development and physiology. BCST is a viable therapy for all conditions, and is especially effective for pain management, nervous system stress and trauma, muscular-skeletal issues, visceral issues, and birth / neonatal issues. GP BCST Trainer Just as when a friend truly listens and we feel ourselves opening and gaining insight, so it is with the body. In BCST the therapist uses resonant touch to deeply listen to your system's subtle healing flows. The nervous system distresses and settles; tissues rehydrate; your whole system comes into wholistic balance. From here the body's innate restorative capacities can work to resolve pain and dysfunction. As old patterns resolve and let go, we reclaim our more natural and authentic self. RMJ BCST Trainer Franklyn Sills writes in his textbook... the Buddha taught extensively and deeply about the nature of life... the first Noble Truth is about the nature of suffering call dukkha, the basic sense of unease , a state of angst or anxiety which arises as we experience life. In the biodynamic context, it is seen that suffering is eased when the human mind-body truly aligns with the deeper universal forces that support life. It is manifest as an alignment to something else beyond the conditions and contingencies that organize our mind-body's system and our sense of selfhood, to an innate Intelligence much greater than our human mentality. This occurs when past experiences are reconciled within us, in a states of balance and Stillness. In the Stillness, known only in this present moment, something else can occur beyond the suffering held.
"When I first start doing this work as a practitioner, I announced to Gangaji... "it's pure Satang via the body". She responded.. 'yes, of course'." shahido Shahido's speciality is the capacity to hold a conscious, safe space of Wholeness, Divinity and Light, deeper than any of the mental, emotional and physical disease. The dis-ease's are simply the entry point! It got you here to the table! As one begins to "melt", One can fully meet this dis-ease with the Light of their own Awareness, directly experiencing the Grace and Blessing that they truely are even in the midst of stress, trauma, difficulties or any dark night of the soul. There, in Stillness, sometimes Dynamic Stillness, something powerful and healing takes place and your own body, held in consciousness by the practitioner, shifts, heals, re-organizes, resolves Profound Truth, Love and Peace is possible. |
What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy? The leaders in the field speak, click the link below or copy/paste into your browser! Conditions which can benefit from Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
The list of conditions which may benefit from this therapy is long and comprehensive, as most imbalances, whether physical, emotional or spiritual in origin, respond to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Here's a few .....